There is no fixed sequence or way to manifest anything. Our bookstores are filled with books and audio programmes, one after another, telling you that they have discovered the latest “secret” or “techniques” for manifesting something. I used to buy in to all of those, and you might have too. It took me more than 10 years to finally realize that the plain truth has been staring at me in my face all the time: There is no fixed sequence or series of steps for manifesting anything. What works, is what works for you. And the sequence is different for every individual on the planet, because it is unique. It is funny but I have heard so many Law of Attraction success and “failure” stories. Some people tried the steps and had instant, almost miraculous manifestations. They hit the jackpot right away!
Some others try the same series of steps and get nothing. “I must not be doing something right,” they say, so they buy more books and attend more seminars in an attempt to find out where they have “gone wrong”. They have not gone wrong! All they have done was to try out a series of steps that did not work for them. And all they have to do now is to find a series of steps that works for them. Chances are, the right manifestation sequence of them is not going to be word-for-word, something recommended by a teacher out there. It is probably something they have to experiment with to find out just the right “recipe” for them.
I am constantly amazed by the individual differences, and how much uniqueness we bring to this planet. No two individuals are the same! We all have different preferences, we like different foods, we even look different, we have different sleeping habits… So why should all of us use the exact same manifestation steps? Why should there be only one RIGHT manifestation techniques or even just a handful of “right” techniques prescribed by the gurus out there? The great spiritual masters certainly didn’t just teach a rigid series of steps. Yes, they certainly had broad principles that provided some kind of a framework, but our individual idiosyncrasies means that you have to do some tweaking to find what works for you.
I approach deliberate creation and manifestation as somewhat of a game, and not a chore. I do not keep score based on how well I have followed all the steps, because I know that the suggested steps may not always work. But I am open enough to try anything that comes my way. So sometimes I’ll add things and change things around according to my fancy, and then observe the results. The results have been really fascinating to me, and is positive proof that all this stuff works.
For example, there have been many instances in my life where I just had the mere intention of “having” something. It was more along the lines of, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I had ____”. Then I thought nothing about it again and somehow, going about my daily life doing the usual things, those very things I had earlier very lightly intended would come into my life in the most harmonious way possible.
I had wanted a mobile phone charger for my car, as these latest smartphones were always running out of battery before the end of the day. (Isn’t it nice that these ancient manifestation techniques always work and STILL work in the age of smartphones?) Yet at the same time, I was a bit daunted by the prospect of having to drive to the store and shop for one. I had shopped for computer accessories before, and I knew that I had some serious comparison to do between the various brands and prices. Therefore I just dropped the thought completely. I did not agonize or worry over how the mobile phone charger was going to come into my life. About a week later, my cousin invited me to visit a car show. Normally I would avoid places with large crowds, but this time I felt a clear nudge and instinct to go. Everything seemed to line up and said “Yes, yes, yes!”, and so off I went. I went despite rationally knowing that there was nothing I needed there. At the show, I bought a pair of excellent windscreen wipers (at half off their regular price!) and along with that purchase was a free gift: a mobile phone car charger! Two wishes fulfilled without me having to do anything extraordinary or go out of the way!
I tell the above story to illustrate a point. In this case, I did not religiously go through all 3 or 5 steps of the manifestation process. I did not write down my desires and visualize them fervently. I simply had a very “light” intention, let it go completely and it manifested in my life shortly after. I am sure you can find many other similar examples in your own life. If this is the case, then it certainly means that you are not only a masterful manifestor, but it also means you’re free from the need to follow any sequence or series of steps! Make up your own sequence and tweak it as you go along. Life is meant to be fun.
Notice what has worked for you in the past. For me, I notice that when I state intentions in a certain way, things have happened for me. And that when I state intentions in another way, things do not seem to happen so easily for me. So what I do is that I take the first instance and study it, to see what lessons I can glean from it. I take all my “successful” manifestations and ask myself - What’s common about all of them? In asking myself this question I focus on how I was feeling at that time, not so much of the things I did or the nature of objects that manifested. I approach manifestation scientifically, but I also maintain a childlike and playful attitude to it.